Social Action
Academic Research
Rural Development
A Centre dedicated to Research leading to Action
CReNIEO is engaged in developing and implementing micro rural development models and methodologies with a view to handle the fundamental factors of rural poverty. The Centre attempts, through research and case studies, to discover the missing links in the methodology, direction and strategy of rural development.
Recognising the fact that the potential of the Gandhian ethic as a possible alternative development has been over-looked, CReNIEO interprets the quality of life in Inda from a cultural and Gandhian context.
Although there is a definite bias in favour of research aimed at rural development; International economical relations, environment, ecology, employment, public administration and development communication receive serious attention for research and analysis at CReNIEO.
It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important.- Mahatma Gandhi
Academic Research
CReNIEO offers Ph.D. (Developmental Economics) and M.Phil (Environmental Economics) programmes. The research projects undertaken by the students give ample scope for a learned development intervention. The Ph.D. and M.Phil programmes are guided by senior professors of CReNIEO.
- Ph.D. Programmes - University Madras
- M.Phil. Programmes - University Madras