Rural dairying, rural poultry farming (Mr. I. D. Mantranurti)
Koraput Project, CReNIEO
The monograph captures in brief the efforts made by the integrated rural development for weaker sections in Koraput District. It briefly outline the efforts made in the specific areas of development, education, health education, nutrition and other economic projects.
Statement and
Recommendations of the National Consultation on the Prasar Bharati Bill on the Autonomy of the Electronic Media April 27-29, 1990 Madras
The monograph relates to the conference organized by CReNIEO which was attended by some of India’s leading communication personalities.
This book deals with the so called tiger economics of East Asia.
A LIFE’S JOURNEY TOWARDS A JUST SOCIETY –Commemoration volume on the occasion of Dr. K. Rajaratnam’s 80th birthday celebrations. August -2000 (Edited by Dr. K. P. Krishna Shetty)
My Biography Palliacatta The Pulicat 1400-2007
CReNIEO 2007
Two decades of Research and Action CReNIEO 1980 – 2000
25 Years of Research & Social Action 1980-2005.